

News of: 28.11.2013, at 11:43:44 hrs

SuAn-Baby is developing nicely

SuAn Baby

The proud father, Papa Karl, presents the fast developing SuAn-Baby. Even though some details are still missing, the typically lines of the hull of the mother SuAn can be easily recognized.

The SuAn-Baby will be fully functional. For this reason rudder, remote control receiver, sheet winch and motor are already integrated in to the hull.

The crew of the mother SuAn hardly can wait to see the little SuAn to sail on her own.


News of: 19.09.2013, at 17:03:53 hrs

SuAn is getting a baby

SuAn Baby 

It is hardly believable, but SuAn is getting a baby. The usual question about “Who is the father?” is quickly answered: It is Lutz’s papa Karl.  With great engineering skills and a professional approach did he clone SuAn’s genes in the scale 1:25. Meanwhile the shape of little SuAn with its typical twin kiel is clearly recognizable.

Mother -SuAn’s crew is very exited about the growing family.


News of: 20.07.2013, at 08:28:47 hrs

Impressions from China

Even we are not traveling by boat right now, but work every day in that foreign very different cultural environment, we continue to report with photos and short reports about China in our logbook. Have a look from time to time! The countdown is on until we continue our sailing trip around the world.


News of: 01.03.2012, at 02:28:44 hrs

Working in China

Since today we are living and working in China. We made a fast decision again. We are taking a break from our sailing adventure and return in the world of business. For a period of two years we swap the sea charts against flow charts, VHF radio against the mobile phone and our SuAn against an apartment in Foshan, China. We will continue our journey in April 2014.


News of: 12.01.2012, at 14:08:03 hrs

New Search Function

Since today our web page is equipped with very easy to use search functionality. This enables you to find easily and fast specific pages in our web site according to one or more key words. Simply type the key word in the search line in the upper right part of the screen and instantly the relevant pages will be listed.


News of: 02.01.2012, at 20:10:12 hrs

Improved User Interface

Next Leg

We have changed the interface for the Logbook based on some good proposals from our readers:

  1. The link on our front page points now directly to the latest entry in the logbook.
  2. So far it was quite inconvenient to move from one leg to the next or the previous. This we have improved. The control of the logbook contains at the first and the last page of every trip a new key that points directly to the previous / next leg. Now you can click through the entire logbook in both directions without bothering about the legs.


News of: 11.12.2011, at 05:46:12 hrs

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Xmas

We wish all our friends and readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

SuAn has to be alone for Christmas since we are flown home to Germany in order to spend Christmas together with our families.


News of: 10.09.2011, at 07:10:21 hrs

New banner - background info

Our reader probably noticed the new banner in the top of the pages.

The banner is a panorama image of 270 degree and consists of 22 single frames. The frames are combined on a computer using the program "Stitch".

The single pictures are taken from the tip of the highest peak of the island Maupiti and show the surrounding lagoon. In the middle of the panorama you can see the pass in to the lagoon. On the left of the peeks in the foreground you can see Gabi waving with her arms.


News of: 23.07.2011, at 12:05:03 hrs

Additional pictures from the Tuamotus

We have included a special report with many pictures of the Tuamotus. Just click here to enjoy the pictures!


News of: 27.05.2011, at 05:44:52 hrs

More than 50 images from the Marquesas

We have more then 50 images uploaded. Please go to our special report "Impressions of the Marquesas" and enjoy the pictures and the comments.

