

News of: 21.04.2020, at 06:33:09 hrs



Covid-19 is changing everyone's plans, ours too. The state of national emergency in New Zealand starts on March 26 and keeps everyone for at least four weeks in social isolation. Businesses are shut down, people have to stay at home. This means for us, that we cannot launch SuAn and leave New Zealand as planned in the middle of April towards the Pacific Island. Since there are severe travel restrictions worldwide we have to stay in New Zealand for an unknown period of time.


News of: 21.02.2020, at 07:34:33 hrs


SuAn is safely stored in Whangarei. It is our second season in New Zealand. This time we use our Nissan Serena camper to cruise around the South Island of this beautiful country.


News of: 13.05.2019, at 13:00:00 hrs

Warm welcome in Fiji


After a total distance of 1253 nautical miles, or 2320 km we are arriving today in Fiji. We stared in Marsden Cove Marina in New Zealand, stopped briefly in the amazing Minerva Reef and made finally landfall in Vuda Marina at the western coast of Viti Levu, the main island of Fiji. Already at the customs dock we are warmly welcomed by a group of locals singing a welcome song for us.


News of: 23.04.2019, at 07:00:00 hrs


All vessels need maintenance. This is also true for SuAn. Since exactly two month we are working every day on the vessel. Now we see some light at the end of the tunnel. We are assuming that in one or two weeks we will take SuAn back in the water.


News of: 22.07.2018, at 04:25:55 hrs

One more video uploaded


This nice little video is made by our friends Dan and Jilly from SV Dazzler. It shows us visiting unbelievable tame Stingrays in Moorea. To watch it just klick on this link or the image above. On the new page scoll a little bit down. Enjoy!


News of: 16.07.2018, at 05:46:15 hrs

New video uploaded: Dolphins


We have uploaded a little video about playing Dolphins under water. Here you can watch it. Or click on the image.


News of: 17.03.2018, at 18:11:45 hrs

Pacific Loop closed


Today we cross our track from 2011 and close our Pacific Loop, the circumnavigation of the northern Pacific. During this loop we covered more then 21,000 nautical miles (38,000 km). It was a fascinating challenge and even including the accident in Japan, where SuAn was badly damaged, it was the most enjoyable part of our cruising so far.


News of: 21.02.2018, at 07:00:00 hrs

Crossing the Pacific again

After careful preparations of SuAn and crew we are starting a new adventure: The crossing of the Pacific. The first leg, which measures a distance of about 2800 nautical miles, will take us from Mexico to the Marquesas in French Polynesia. We assume that this passage takes about three to four weeks.


News of: 20.11.2017, at 21:51:02 hrs

Back in the Tropics

Last night we crossed the Tropic of Cancer, the imaginary line at the latitude of 23°26′13.1″. This is the most northerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the Sun can be directly overhead. Now we are back in the Tropics. This also ends our three years excursion in to the colder climates of the North-Pacific.


News of: 19.07.2017, at 10:13:00 hrs

Salmon and bears


A special adventure is our visit to Anan Bay. It is salmon run and the bears are feasting on salmon at the Anan Falls. Here are some phantastic images.

