Entry Date: 18.09.2023, at 14:00:00 hrs (local)

Cocos Keeling - Mayotte

No much Wind


PRID: 12815
LegID: 347
LegNo: 93
Latitude: S012°12.99'
Longitude: E046°05.62'
Day#: 1428
Course: 250 °
Speed: 4 kn
Etmal: 116 nm
Log (Day): 79 nm
Log (Leg): 3006 nm
Log (Total): 72199 nm
Days sailing: 22
Covered distance: 2985 nautical miles
Distance to destination: 75 nautical miles
Weather: 5kn South wind, 1m swell, sunny, 30 degree Celsius
Mood of the crew: relaxed

It seems that wind is completely exhausted. We needed to wake up Yanmar San in order to keep moving.

According our plan we will enter Mayotte´s lagoon through the northern pass by tomorrow morning. From there it will take us about four more hours until we will finally reach the anchorage. There will not be much wind tomorrow, as well.

If there are questions, just ask them in the Forum. We are happy to try to answer them.