Entry Date: 06.06.2014, at 11:32:03 hrs (local)

Coffs Harbor - Noumea

New hope from the weather forecast


PRID: 10608
LegID: 272
LegNo: 36
Latitude: S029°08.00'
Longitude: E155°58.00'
Day#: 365
Course: 90 °
Speed: 5.1 kn
Etmal: 114 nm
Log (Day): 160 nm
Log (Leg): 240 nm
Log (Total): 22206 nm
Second day on the way, sailed distance: 160 nm, distance to Noumea: 840 nm
The wind during the last two days was not from South as predicted, but from the East. This is the least favorable direction of all. It forced on a north-easterly curse in close haul. We have been lucky since the wind was in the manageable range of 10-15 kn. The updated weather prognoses are promising southerly winds again and we are hoping that this is right this time. If not we would run into a serious problem at the long run.