Entry Date: 15.10.2011, at 16:07:49 hrs (local)

Port Resolution - Noumea

Pacific Island Net - Maritime Mobile


PRID: 10284
LegID: 252
LegNo: 30
Latitude: S018°28.00'
Longitude: E174°15.39'
Day#: 322
Log (Day): 170 nm
Log (Leg): 193 nm
Log (Total): 19788 nm
The sky is cloudy and the trade wind blows steadily with 15 - 25 knots. We have a good ride towards west.

Every day we participate in various SSB and Ham radio networks. Today is the last time to talk at the Pacific Island Net which is operated by Guenter from an island in Panama. He has cared for about 30 German speaking sailing yachts sailing from Panama to New Zealand or Australia since February this year. Six times a week we were providing our position, destination, weather and special news to the net. Via this radio net we become contact to other yachts on their way and when we later met in person it was as meeting a long known friend.

Thank you very much Guenter for your daily radio net to set up a sailing community of former unknown sailors.