Entry Date: 20.05.2012, at 15:00:00 hrs (local)

China - China

Bamboo float


PRID: 10353
LegID: 257
LegNo: 34
Latitude: S027°19.92'
Longitude: E153°04.97'
Day#: 353
Log (Total): 21576 nm
After we have been almost three month ”dry”, we have today the opportunity to cast off the lines of our vessel again. OK, it is not precisely a sailing yacht and the little lake is also not exactly the ocean. Never mind we are feeling immediately much better. For this floating appearance on a bamboo float, we traveled together with our good friend Alan three hours to the North in to a nice mountainous area, called Nan Kun Shan, which is covered all over with bamboo forest. There we rented a room and escaped the hectic Chinese mega city for the weekend.