Entry Date: 29.02.2012, at 14:28:56 hrs (UTC)

Brisbane - Bundaberg

On the Hardstand


PRID: 10349
LegID: 256
LegNo: 33
Latitude: S027°19.92'
Longitude: E153°04.97'
Day#: 353
Log (Leg): 157 nm
Log (Total): 21576 nm
SuAn will wait for us on land for the next two years. We have done what is possible to protect all hatches, windows, ropes, cable and the dinghy from the strong Australian sun. Hopefully the next storm will not destroy all our effort to protect SuAn from the environmental hazards.

We are very sad to leave our boat in Australia. But after our work in China we will continue our circumnavigation. We have sailed 21,500 nm so far, which is a bit more then half way. If you want to follow our journey further we will continue our trip in March 2014.

In between there will be occasionally some News from China.