Entry Date: 06.07.2024, at 22:00:00 hrs (local)

Horta - Praia da Vitoria

White Experience in Horta


PRID: 13057
LegID: 359
LegNo: 104
Latitude: N038°31.93'
Longitude: W028°37.49'
Day#: 1607
Log (Total): 84264 nm
The day after our arrival in Horta, a festival called ”White Experience” takes place, celebrating the 191st anniversary of Horta´s designation as a city.

The main street along the harbor has been transformed into a dazzling spectacle. White jellyfish hang gracefully from trees and across the street, while enormous inflated white seashells, tentacles of octopuses and squids line the road. White maritime sculptures adorn parks and walkways, and white and blue LEDs make the street and the white-clad people glow brilliantly at night.

The entire island´s population, along with numerous tourists, have gathered to stroll down the street and listen to various bands playing simultaneously on four different stages. The atmosphere is uniquely fantastic.