Sailing Vessel SuAn's Web Page
We are Hibernating
Countdown: 42 days until we will continue.
Current position of the Sailing Vessel "Su An" - Status: On the hard stand
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Logbook | Logbuch | |
Direct to the latest report | Direkt zum letzten Bericht | |
27.05.2021 |
Ortwin |
Momo Kornwestheim | Moin, gruesst Ortwin bitte von uns. Er kann sich bestimmt erinnern an Momo und seinen alten Nissan |
02.05.2021 |
Congratulations! |
Michael and JoAnne Guemes Island | Congratulations on rounding Cape Reinga... and at 9 knots speed! Hurray for the completion of your circumnavigation!! Look forward to speaking with you on Skype sometime soon. Your adventures are amazing. Miss you!! |
31.03.2021 |
Paperwork etc |
La BuenaVida Kingston, Ontario, Canada | Hi Guys, love your entry re Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis aus Deutschland Viel Erfolg! H&M |
17.03.2021 |
Geburtstag |
Marlene & Bert Oberndorf | Liebe Gabi, gaaanz herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag schicken wir Dir um die halbe Welt. Bleib gesund und fröhlich und passt gut auf Euch auf! Fair winds aus Oberndorf! |
16.03.2021 |
Happy birthday Gabi |
B&B Björkhyddan Gamleby | Happy birthday Gabi Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Gabi Maren & Fred |
15.03.2021 |
Happy B day |
Jill and Brent Seattle | Happy birthday Gabi, I hope today brings you adventure and joy. Sending a big hug from Seattle. |
15.03.2021 |
Michael and JoAnne Guemes Island | HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABI! It was so wonderful to speak with you yesterday and to know you are in a beautiful and safe area to celebrate your special day... and to be treated to dinner out at a restaurant so you do not have to cook. Enjoy the beauty of the Marlborough Sound and have fun celebrating YOU today!! Lots of love XOXOXO |
15.03.2021 |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island | We are sorry that we missed your call and the opportunity to wish you a Happy Birthday! We were riding our bikes on the island at the time. Steve and Mary are in Anacortes and just today closed the deal on the purchase of a condominium! We are so happy the Gray family is will all soon be in Anacortes, Seattle and close by Bellingham! We hope not to miss you if you call again. Lots of Love, Michael and JoAnne |
06.03.2021 |
Hola |
Jill La Paz, Mexico | Hi Gabi and Lutz, I just got caught up on all your adventures sailing SuAn. We just finished our 4th season of sailing Mexico, time for a new chapter! Cayuse will be loaded on a container ship next week and we will pick her up in the San Juan Islands mid-March. We’re excited to be back in the PNW again. I hope we cross paths again. Fairs winds friends, Jill and Brent |
05.03.2021 |
Thinking of you |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island Washington | Dear Lutz and Gabi, We are hopeful that there will an opportunity to talk with you via Skype sometime soon and before Gabi's birthday We miss you! Your web site posts are, as always, wonderful and you two are the most amazing voyagers we have ever known! Hugs, Michael and JoAnne |
05.02.2021 |
Your Hike in Vanuatu |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island | Hi Gabi and Lutz, One of your recent post reminded us of your adventurous hike in Vanuatu where you hiked into the backside of the volcanic crater and lava field. We remember you got lost for a short time, but were able to find your way back to SuAn, where we waited very worried because it was late. This was early on in our friendship and we were only becoming very aware of your incredible spirit of adventure! You guys are incredible in all that you do!! |
29.01.2021 |
Amazing voyage! |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island | You two are the most amazing sailors we know! Love getting the email updates and seeing your entries in your voyage BLOG. Lots of Love! |
08.01.2021 |
Grüße aus der Siedlung |
Detlef Petrick Chemnitz | Hallo Gabi, hallo Lutz, habe gerade einen kleinen Plausch mit Eurer Mama geführt. Ursprünglich wollte ich über Wehnachten und Neujahr in Kolumbien sein, aber es kommt ja bekanntlich immer alles anders als man denkt. So hat es mich noch einmal zu meinem Vater verschlagen. Eurer Quarantänelager gefällt mir auch ganz gut. Selber habe ich mir viel vorgenommen dieses Jahr, es wird garantiert nicht langweilig. Herzliche Grüße auf die andere Seite dieser Welt. Bleibt gesund und frohgelaunt. Mit allerbesten Grüßen aus der Siedlung, Detlef |
02.01.2021 |
Happy New Year |
Ernie s/v Patience Philippines / Cebu | Hi Lutz and Gabi, all the very best for the New Year to you. Looks like you picked the perfect spot to sit out Covid. Its tough going here in PH. But planning to head Indo, Thailand and Indian Ocean soon. cheerio Ernst |
01.01.2021 |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island, Washington USA | Happy New Year 2021! We are so enjoying reading and hearing about your travels in the beauty of Stewart Island. We never cease to be amazed at your experiences along your journey! Happy you were able to bring in the New Year with friends - not possible here in the USA. We are looking forward to optimism and hope in the New Year 2021 with an honorable adult in the White House:-). Be happy, safe, and healthy dear friends!! xoxoxo |
28.12.2020 |
Merry Christmas / Happy New Year |
Marlene und Bert Oberndorf | Euer Weihnachtsversteck ist ja genial. Mehr Quarantäne geht nicht! Wir hoffen, Ihr habt in trauter Zweisamkeit gemütlich Weihnachten gefeiert. Für 2021 wünschen wir Euch wieder viele tolle Erlebnisse - und vor allen Dingen: gesund bleiben! Fair winds - passt auf Euch auf! |
22.12.2020 |
Congratulations and Merry Christmas |
Michael and JoAnne Gray Guemes Island, Washington USA | Congratulations on your safe arrival to Stewart Island... what a nice Christmas gift. We had no doubt of you getting there on schedule due to your excellent commmand of the weather and the great sailors that you are. We would like to call you on either Christmas Day or Boxing Day, depending on your schedule. |
14.11.2020 |
sailing |
Matt Schulz Van Nuys | good to see you in NZ |
19.10.2020 |
Moin Moin |
Marlene + Bert Oberndorf/Oste | Hej, es war super-schön, heute mit Euch zu telefonieren. Haben gerade alle Einträge nachgelesen. Ihr seid in dieser verrückten Zeit genau am richtigen Ort "hängengeblieben". Passt gut auf Euch und SuAn auf! Stay tuned - Marlene + Bert |
08.10.2020 |
Greetings |
Gary Lai Richmond BC | Hi, My friends, Glad to know that you are safe and sound. I do check in your website occasionally. I see that you are healthy and fit. Happy sailing and take care. Regards, Gary |