Sailing Vessel SuAn's Web Page

Last reported position of the Sailing Yacht "Su An":

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Uli Luderer


Hallo ihr beiden, nun also ins dritte Jahr, doppelt so lang wie die Mars-Mission! wünsche Euch weiterhin alles Gute, immer bissel Sand unterm Kiel (oder wars Wasser?) Kommt gut wieder nach Sachsen. Wünscht Euch Lao Huli


Next target Australia

Jörg Schreitter


dear friends, still enjoy reading your logs! When reaching the OZs, say hallo to the Whitsunday Islands and have some nibbles on the beach in memory of those good old days. 2 month left to ARC2011 departure - getting more and more excited. Take care, yours Joerg


Happy sailing to you

Peggy Peng

Guangzhou China

Dear Lutz and Gabi, congratulation! 2 years Sailing,the pictures and stories fascinating, more exciting journey data shows you meet a lot of challenge, and successful solve it, ; even as you said "Live your dreams".look forward to more pictures and postings of your adventure, and wish you fair winds. take safe and happiness!love you


Gratulation zum Start ins dritte Segeljahr

Maren Ziechmann


Hallo Gabi, Hallo Lutz Wir gratulieren herzlich zu eurem Jubiläum. Wir sind immer wieder von euren Berichten begeistert und fiebern oft mit euch. Sehr oft wir sind in Gedanken bei euch und wünschen weiterhin tolle Erlebnisse und vor allem beste Gesundheit. Liebe Grüße Maren und Fred


Grüsse zum Sonntag

Ralf, Tina und Maria


Hallo Ihr beiden, haben gerade über Eure Fahrt durch die Korallenstöcke gelesen und gestaunt wie hoch Gabi im Mast hing, um die Fahrt zu steuern. Wir wünschen Euch alles Gute. Passt auf Euch auf. Gruss Tina, Maria und Ralf


Just wondering where you are....

Elaine & Rich Kahn

Annapolis Maryland US

Thinking about both of you today and wondering where you are, and hoping that the tropical depression in the Eastern Pacific hasn't affected you. We are about to go out on "SeaBastion" for 2 weeks to relax and enjoy the Chesapeake Bay. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing more of your pictures, when you are again within internet contact again. Love & hugs, Elaine & Rich


Keeping up with your adventure....

Elaine & Richard

Annapolis Maryland US

We are both well. SeaBastion is in the water and we have done a bit of sailing. It feels good to be back on the water. It has been hot and humid here for a couple of weeks (after a cool wet spring). We are going for an evening sail tonight with some of Rich's family joining us. Thank you for keeping up the log, and the pictures and stories are fascinating. this is such an exciting journey for you. Love & miss you both. Be safe. Elaine & Rich



Fred & Maren


Super!! Gratulation von uns Maren & Fred


Frohe Ostern

Fred & Maren


Hallo Ihr zwei, wir wünschen euch ein schönes Osterfest, immer guten Wind und eine handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel. Vorsicht ist geboten, bei Fischen über 100kg - dann fährt die Su An vielleicht rückwärts! :-) Weiterhin gute Fahrt! Fred & Maren


Frohe Ostern!


Guangzhou (China)

Hallo ihr zwei! Ich möchte Euch ein fröhliches Osterfest wünschen! Passt auf Euch auf!


Der Pazifik spricht.

Günter S. Hamacher

Insel Contadora Panama.

Ich bin seit 24 Jahren der Mensch, der europäische Segelyachten per Funk an ihrem Weg bis nach Malaysia betreut. 90 % der ca 2000 Segler, die ich betreut habe, haben mich auf der Insel Contadora -eine der Perleninseln- persönlich besucht. So auch ihr Beiden. Habe auch einige Berichte von denen über Panama gelesen. Dieser Bericht von Euch über die San Blas, Panama usw.macht aber eine rühmliche Ausnahme. Niemand zuvor hat Panama und seine Inselwelt so treffend, sachlich und so Wahrheitsgemäß beschrieben, wir ihr das gemacht habt. Der Dank geht an Euch und Allzeit gute Fahrt. Pacific Island Net, Günter HP1XX



Hermann Middeke

Berlin / Deutschland

Hallo Gabi und Lutz, ich wünsche Euch viel vergnügliche Zeit bei Eurem sehr langen Trip. Bin nachher gespannt, wie es Euch ergangen ist. Elke wird es bei Eurer Ankunft leider nicht mehr geben. Gruß: Hermann


Nachtraegliche Geburtstagsgruesse


China / Guangzhou

Hi Ihr Beiden, hab auch mal wieder gerade in eurem Logbook gestoebert und die wunderschoenen Bilder angeschaut. Echt Klasse !!! Schoen, dass es euch gut geht :) Dir liebe Gabi - Nachtraeglich noch alles Gute und Liebe zum Geburtstag. Bis bald mal wieder.


Happy sailing to you in the Pacific!

Elaine & Rich Kahn

Annapolis Maryland US

Greetings dear friends! It was so nice to talk with you on Gabi's birthday. It seems that your prep day in Panama City has been long and very busy. Once again, I am enjoying your adventures: through the canal, and touring Panama City, and am feeling very connected to your journey. We have been doing much yard/garden work. Plants are starting to pop up. Yesterday we welcomed Spring by each of us burning a pair of warn out socks at the Annual Annapolis Sailyard's "Sock-Burning Party" to say goodbye to winter! We look forward to more pictures and postings of your adventure, and wish you fair winds and seas for your passage to Galapagos and Marquesas, and will check periodically for new entries. Be safe & happy! We love you, Elaine & Rich


Happy Birthday to you



Dear Gabi and Lutz, it is very exciting to know you pass The Panama Canal,and Gabi's Birthday is coming sooner. Gabi,Happy Birthday to you! take my best regards to you! Enjoy your dream every day! The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean.please take care of news about Mar.11 Janpan had the earth quake and Tsunami.!


March in Annapolis

Elaine & Rich Kahn

Annapolis Maryland US

Hello Gabi & Lutz! It is starting to warm up here, but still a bit chilly, the Tulips, Daffodils and Hyacinths are about 4-6" high and will be in bloom soon. We have had a very windy winter but not much snow. I love following your journey. With your pictures and stories, I feel that I am experiencing it with you. I plan to watch you go through the Miraflores Locks tomorrow. Very exciting! I hope that you have a nice birthday, Gabi! I will try to send you a greeting on the appropriate day. We love you both. Wishing you a safe passage through the canal. Elaine & Rich


Happy Chinese New Year!

Chen Zhaowei


Happy Chinese New Year! Wish you Happy everyday!


Have finally logged in and read your log

Elaine & Richard

Annapolis Maryland US

Hi Gabi & Lutz! We got about 4" of wet snow on top of a 2" frozen water base. You are glad not to be here in Annapolis. However, I miss having you both here. Rich is in Ft. Lauderdale working at a boat show, and called me this morning to let me know about the sun and warmth that he is experiencing. We fly to St. John a week form today and I am really looking forward to the warm weather and a visit with good friends. Be safe on your journey to Panama. Love & miss you both! Elaine (& Richard)


Thanks and Hello from South Florida

Kari, Sophee, Mario

Pembroke Pines, Florida

Hi Gaby and Lutz, we finally found some time as well to drop you guys a few lines and to say thanks a lot for the great BBQ you organized prior to your departure in Miami. We had a lot of fun and it was great to hang out with you. We will definitely follow your journey around the world and wish both of you all the best. Hope to see you one of these days (or years) again. Take care & let's stay in touch. Kari, Sophee and Mario





Lutz and Gabi, new milestone have created by you and Suan. wish you have a nice sailing! take care!