Sailing Vessel SuAn's Web Page

Last reported position of the Sailing Yacht "Su An":

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Welcome to Alaska

Richard Ragle

Attu Island, Alaska

It was great to talk to you and hear of your adventure yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the tour we provided instead of the anticipated t-shirt from the museum. Enjoy the rest of your trip up the Aleutian Chain. Richard


Bye Bye Aunty Erna - Yay!

JoAnne & Michael Gray

Guemes Island Washington USA

Hi Lutz & Gabi, we think of you constantly and we are so happy to hear that Aunty Erna has passed by and is bringing you winds from the south west so that you can be wing on wing - Yeah!! Maybe you need to celebrate Aunty Erna's passing with another grog :-). We sent you an update to your email also as how we can help you get the batteries to Dutch Harbor (or Kodiak if preferred). We will continue to research the best price and options for you. Much love!!





Dear Lutz and Gabi , I tried to upload to your Dropbox link several times, but cannot uploaded. So I send you my public-Dropbox link to your mail address. And I respectfully hoist UW flag for your nest leg.


Fair Winds & We will check site daily

Michael and JoAnne Gray

Guemes Island

Love you two!



Toyoo Sekine of HalloMaru


I say congraturations for you to arrived at Kusiro safely. I have still photo and movie when you leaving Yokohama. I wont to send these data to you. How can I send these to you? T.Sekine HALLOMARU


Great to see you sailing again!

Joerg & Elfi


We have actually nice early summer days in our Pfalz and enjoy a few days off. Time to read your last months work reports, see your progress and finally feel emotional see you back on track. Wishing you all the best and looking forward reading your logbook notes.



Mario W


Moin Lutz, so viel Interessantes hatte ich beim Aufrufen dieser Seite gar nicht erwartet. Als "Schönwettersegler" kommt man ob der vielen interessanten Orte richtig ins schwärmen. Ich wünsche Euch Beiden noch ganz viele schöne Momente mit eurem Boot und viele neue beeindruckende Eindrücke. liebe Grüße Mario


Happy New Year

Knut & Britta Boettcher

Weddingstedt, Germany

Dear Gabi & Lutz, we wish you happy New Year 2016 and more luck on your trip on the oceans. Hope you can continue your exciting journey soon - we are hungry for your stories. All the best with big hug Knut & Britta PS: we moved in April 2015 back to Germany


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Joerg und Elfi Schreitter

Speyer, Germany

Dear Gabi and Lutz, Wishing you some wonderful X'mas days together with your boys and your parents. And another interesting, rewarding and great New Year 2016. With warm regards and big hugs, Yours from Speyer


Merry Christmas


Guangzhou, China

Lutz and Gabi: Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you and your family!


Welcome Home

Michael and JoAnne Gray

Guemes Island San Juan Island Washington

Hi Gabi and Lutz, we hope you are rested up after your long trip home and enjoying family and friends! Best of everything during your stay in Germany. We look forward to talking to you on Skype before Wednesday. Hugs!!


Hallo Ihr Lieben

Angela Ruhland

Guangzhou / China

hab eben gelesen was passiert ist. Oh yehhh..... da hattet ihr aber wirklich Pech. In der Tat - Gott sei Dank ist niemand verletzt worden. Wir wünschen euch, dass sich alles nun ganz schnell zum Guten wendet und ihr eure Reise wieder fortsetzen bzw. geniessen könnt. Euren Berichten zufolge scheint ihr ja in Japan viele Freunde gefunden zu haben, die euch eure Zeit verkürzen bzw. etwas aufmuntern. Ganz liebe Grüße aus eurer alten 'Heimat' China von Jörg und mir.


Grüße aus Nürnberg

Uschi Koch


Hallo Hr. Pestel, das ist ja furchtbar, was Ihnen und Ihrer Frau passiert ist. Wir hier in Nürnberg sind alle ganz schockiert. Glücklicherweise gab es keine Personenschäaden :-). Wir wünschen Ihnen für die Zukunft gute Nerven und hoffen mit Ihnen, dass Sie bald wieder auf hoher See sein können. Viele Grüße aus Nürnberg senden Ihnen alle noch verbliebenen Kollegen.


Our Hearts and Thoughts are With You

JoAnne and Michael Gray

Guemes Island WA USA

Hello Gabi and Lutz, we are so thankful you are safe after the accident and that you have been able to enjoy the friendship, hospitality and thoughtfulness from your new friends Toshi and Chisato. We are happy to hear that you could escape the memories of the nightmare and enjoy a fun experience away from the surroundings that only remind you of this horrible event. We are grateful for such wonderful people in this world that would reach out to you and extend their help and care. We so appreciate your phone calls and look forward to talking with you when you return to SuAn. Much love, JoAnne and Michael


In Gedanken bei euch - Kopf hoch!

Maren & Fred


Hallo Gabi, hallo Lutz Ohh Sch...., ihr seit zum Glück Gesund!! Wir sind in Gedanken bei euch und drücken euch die Damen für eine mögliche und schnelle Fortsetzung eurer Reise. Liebe Grüße Maren & Fred



Walter Ott


Liebe Gabi und Lutz, haben gerade von eurem Unglück gelesen. Wir sind sehr froh, dass euch nichts passiert ist. Wir drücken die Daumen und hoffen, dass sich eine Lösung findet und eure Reise weitergehen kann. Grüße aus Köln, Walter und Roswitha von der ALOMA



Delane Rivenbark

Okinawa, Japan

Lutz & Gabi, Neil and I really enjoyed our 2 wonderful days at sea aboard SuAn. Thank you for that opportunity and for being such excellent host. We spent the next two days driving (275 km) all over Amami and learned much about the island. We took many photos and will send shortly. I see that you are enjoying Yaku-Shima. Take care! Delane



Fred & Maren


Hallo Gabi, hallo Lutz Die DHBM ist super, 4 Daumen hoch. Könnt ihr den Käpten auch nach Schweden schicken? Die Bratwürste sind toll, Brötchen backen wir selbst. Wir wünschen euch eine schnelle Lieferung aller Ersatzteile und baldige Weiterreise. Nun noch liebe Ostergrüße von Maren & Fred


Great Recovery! Happy you are safe

Michael and JoAnne Gray

Paradise Bay Anchorage - Bay of Islands NZ

Dear Lutz and Gabi - we were able to finally catch up on Internet the past two days as we have been out in the sailing in NZ. What a scary experience and so fortunate that it did not happen offshore! We admire your fortitude and resourcefulness in dealing with these obstacles and also the bureaucratic hurdles. Hopefully now you will be able to meet and establish friendships with the Japanese people! Tonight is our last night out this year in the Bay of Islands. We are sailing back to Opua Marina tomorrow to began preparing "Destiny" for our absence the rest of this year. Lots of Love!


Oh shit



I'm watching you sail by my home as we speak. My home is high up on a hill in Yomitan Village. Viewed through my Telescope I could see one on deck in a red jacket (maybe Lutz) and noticed you looked very balanced with the reef in the main and it might be a bit more sporty once you round the point in about hour. OH shit I think I see that you just lost your forestay. I will come out with a boat now