Sailing Vessel SuAn's Web Page

Last reported position of the Sailing Yacht "Su An":

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Getting Closer

JoAnne & Michael

Guemes Island

We are following your passage and glad that the 40 mile winds are behind you. We will have positive thoughts that your well thought out route will develop as planned and find you sailing towards New Caledonia in light Northeast winds. Be safe! Hugs from Guemes Island!


Thinking of You

Michael and JoAnne

Guemes Island

We’re thankful that the beginning of your trip has been OK, but unfortunate for the initial rollie seas. We are hoping the wind will continue to be from behind and that the weather change will not be unpleasant. Safe travels dear friends!


Wishing You A Safe Passage

Michael and JoAnne

Guemes Island

Wishing you a very safe, comfortable, and fast journey to Indonesia. We’re sorry we didn’t get a chance to connect before you left. Please know that you are in our thoughts and hearts as you venture on westward. We will be checking on your website regularly. Lots of love!


Have a nice trip!

Knut & Britta

Schleswig Holstein

Super, we are ready for some new exciting stories from your trip with new expirences through the Coral Sea to Indonesia. All the best Knut and Britta


Catching up via Skype

Michael and JoAnne Gray

Guemes Island Washington USA

Hi Lutz and Gabi - what a excellent implemetation of replacing SuAn's windows! You two are amazing! We would love to catch up with soon via Skype. Hugs, Michael and JoAnne



Kevin Akast


Hi are you still in Whangarei. We are in Northland visiting family in and would like to meet up with you before we leave in a couple of weeks. My cell is 0223800871. Cheers Kevin


Home and watching

Ross and Jill - Savarna


Hi Gabi and Lutz. We arrive in Motueka yesterday afternoon after a restful night in Abel Tasman on Thursday along with De La Mer. Great meeting and cruising with you. Our families have followed your progress up the West Coast on AIS as a proxy for Savarna until we turned the corner for home. Best wishes Ross & Jill


Happy Birthday

Marlene + Bert


Herzliche Glückwünsche nachträglich zum Geburtstag, liebe Gabi! Bleib gesund und fröhlich. Und passt gut auf Euch auf. Herzlichst - und fair winds, Marlene und Bert



JoAnne and Michael Gray

Guemes Island

Wishing Gabi a very happy birthday! We imagine you are not in Internet range for us to call you (sent an email to inquire), but we hope you get this message to know that we are thinking of you both and sending love and birthday wishes to Gabi for a special day in NZ South Island. Love and best wishes to you both, Michael and JoAnne


Lovely photo!

Michael and JoAnne Gray

"Dog Island" Washington State USA

Happy to see you are enjoying beautiful scenery and nice weather!


OZ opening its borders

Michael and JoAnne Gray

Guemes Island, WA

We just read a news release that Australia is opening it's borders! Hopefully this is true and you can start planning for your next adventure!


Hello from the Pacific NW USA

JoAnne and Michael

Guemes Island

It sounds like you are living well off of the sea with crayfish, scallops, fish, etc. You are such amazing sailors and adventurers, so organized to have had your original track from last year to allow you to venture recently into one of the bays in the dark of night. Glad you could finally get the anchor down and get a good nights sleep. Take care dear friends!


Unser herzlichstes Beileid ...

Marlene + Bert


... zum schmerzlichen Verlust Eurer Drohne. So plötzlich und unerwartet! Trotz heldenhaften Einsatzes kam der mutige Retter zu spät. RIP Diese Eure Erfahrung bestärkt uns, die Drohne immer mit Schwimmern zu fliegen. Sie ist schon mal - irregeleitet durch starken Wind - in der Oste gelandet und konnte vom Beiboot aus geborgen werden. Fair winds - take care! Marlene und Bert SY Heimkehr


Saying "HI"

JoAnne and Michael

Guemes Island

Hi Lutz and Gabi, your photos and adventures are amazing! Glad you are far away from Tonga and wondering if you felt any ramifications of the Tongan volcano? Hopefully all is well and good about the good ship SuAn. Lots of love, JoAnne and Michael



Dr. Heinz Schmitz-Maibauer


Liebe Mitschwimmer im Schwarm, der Gabi und Lutz bei ihren Segelabenteuern treu begleitet: Es wäre doch schade, wenn wir solch eindrucksvollen Bilder aus der Sicht einer Drohne nicht mehr zu sehen bekämen! Lasst uns ein Crowdfunding- Projekt gründen, damit unsere Entertainer uns weiter begeistern können. Ich fange mal an und werfe die ersten 50 € in den Pott. (Gabi, Lutz ich bräuchte eine IBAN Nummer von Euch oder von SuAn). Weiter eine tolle Zeit Die drei Kölner Renata, Philip Manuel, Heinz


Happy New Year????

Jill and Brent


Dear Gabi and Lutz, Wishing you both a fabulous 2022 of sailing adventures. Jill and Brent


Yacht Destiny


Guemes Island, Washington

HAPPY NEW YEAR to our dear friends! We couldn't be happier that you are in a beautiful and safe area, away from the virus, to bring in the New Year! We love your Sewart Island adventures and happy you have met some new friends on your hike to enjoy the wonderful hospitality of New Zealanders. We will think of you tonight as we lift our glass of wine to you and your New Years Eve. Looking forward to your next call...what a special gift to hear from you!! Sending our love and wishes for a happy, healthy, safe, adventurous, and fun NY 2022!! Lots of love, JoAnne and Michael


Merry Christmas

Knut & Britta Boettcher

Weddingstedt, Germany

Dear Gaby and Lutz, we wish you a Merry Christmas! We still enjoy following your trip with great interest. As you do not have a real Christmas Tree there than here a virtual one with decoration: A XXO XOXXX XoXXXoX XoXXXoXXo xxxxxxxxxxx x x All the best from North Germany Britta & Knut


Glad to hear your both safe

Tony and Hayley Cameron

Houhora NZ

Hi guy's thanks for the phone call, we hope you have a lovely night together on land for a change. Stay safe, look forward to catching up with you in March/April. Love to you both.


Weihnachten 2021

Dr. Heinz Schmitz-Maibauer


Hallo Ihr Lieben, bleibt noch weiter in der Zeitkapsel der Zweisamkeit. Hier draußen ist es gar nicht lustig ! Wir drei Kölner sind gesund und dreifach geimpft und wünschen Euch ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes 2022. Renata, Philip Manuel, Heinz