Entry Date: 21.11.2020, at 14:00:00 hrs (local)

Whangarei - Kaikoura

Arrival in Gisborne


PRID: 12055
LegID: 326
LegNo: 74
Latitude: S038°40.26'
Longitude: E178°01.77'
Day#: 990
Log (Day): 74 nm
Log (Leg): 334 nm
Log (Total): 52335 nm
Towards morning the wind sets in again, we set sail and Yanmar San is allowed to go to sleep.

We are increasingly successful in fishing: We pull a stately Kahawai onto deck, which Gabi will later use to prepare delicious Poisson Crue.

In the early afternoon we finally enter the small port of Gisborne, New Zealand´s easternmost city.