Entry Date: 09.06.2010, at 12:15:42 hrs (local)

Florida - New York City

Wind against Current


PRID: 9926
LegID: 233
LegNo: 14
Latitude: N026°46.38'
Longitude: W080°02.07'
Day#: 118
Course: 320 °
Speed: 6 kn
Etmal: 133 nm
Log (Day): 5 nm
Log (Leg): 5 nm
Log (Total): 7075 nm
Yesterday Lutz has changed our battery bank and also the ground wire against new ones. We have prepared SuAn to sail again.

This morning we have left Lake Worth to sail about 365 miles to the north. Our next destination is Charleston. Today the wind still should come from northerly direction, later it should become light and bearable.

We get experiences what it means to sail against the wind but with the current of the Golf Stream. Shortly after we have set our Genoa Gabi thinks about the still open sea valve for the sink in the bathroom. When she came down, sea water came in with each wave and the cake which was unsecured in the pantry was swimming on the floor of the bathroom.
Lutz released the sail that the water in the sink could float out and Gabi closed the valve. But the damage was done. Water was everywhere: on the washing table, running down in the cabinets beneath, on the floor and in the bilge. Gabi cleaned up.
We have 15-25 kn wind and running with Genoa up to 9,5 knots. Not bad, until the furling line of the Genoa broke. Lutz found a way to roll the Genoa in and we set main sail and fore sail. This reduces our speed to 7 - 8 knots but SuAn is now running smoother through the waves.